Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Tomato and Zucchini Soup

* Three (or more, or less) tomatoes, roasted and roughly chopped
* A zucchini, roughly chopped (you could roast this too, if you're into that kind of thing)
* Vegetable stock
* A can of chopped tomatoes
* Some water

* Some butter (about a tablespoon?)
* Some flour (about two tablespoons?)

* About a tablespoon of fresh dill, chopped
* About a tablespoon of fresh parsley, chopped
* About a tablespoon of fresh basil, chopped
* A teaspoon of nutmeg
* A teaspoon of salt
* A teaspoon of nutmeg
* Pepper
* A teaspoon of sugar

* Put all the bits from A into a pot. Bring to the boil, then simmer.
* Melt the butter in a small saucepan, then gradually add the flour and stir until it becomes a smooth paste. Gradually add some of the liquid from the pot, stir until it's all liquid and not too lumpy. Then pour all of it into the pot, and stir it in well.
* Mash it a bit with a potato masher. Or you could blend it. Or even leave it as it, if you want.
* Put in all the bits from C.
* Simmer for a while more.

It would probably be nice with sour cream or yoghurt, or crusty bread.

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Carrot salad

* Grate some carrots
* Squeeze some juice out of some oranges
* Mix.

The End!

Capsicum salad with some kind of dressing

* As many red, orange and yellow capsicums as you feel are necessary for the occasion
* Chopped parsley
* Balsamic vinegar
* Lemon juice
* Finely chopped onion
* Olive oil (but I didn't have any, so I didn't use any)

* Cut capsicum into strips, roast in the oven until tasty. Remove, leave to cool. This is the salad part.
* Mix all other ingredients together. This is the dressing part.

Zucchini and Corn Quiche

* 1/2 a zucchini, if it's as big as a man's forearm, 1 zucchini otherwise
* 1 can of tinned corn, I forget what size
* 3ish eggs
* butter, or nuttelex, or whatever
* some plain flour (you could probably use either wholemeal or white, I used white)
* breadcrumbs
* some cheddar cheese (about a cup?)
* some parmesan/romano

* Grate the zucchini, and as much cheese as you can be bothered with. Drain the corn, and add to the grated stuff. Stir in eggs and flour.
* Butter a baking dish, put on a layer of breadcrumbs. (You could probably leave out the breadcrumbs, if you don't have any handy.)
* Pour the mixture over the top of the breadcrumbs. You could maybe sprinkle some parmesan (or other interesting cheese) on top.
* Cook at around 180C for around 15 or 20 minutes.